In-Depth Coaching for High Achieving Entrepreneurs

Go further, faster!

In-Depth Coaching for High-Level Entrepreneurs

Go Further, Faster!





Three VIP Options To Work With Me:

Wealth Masters Program

If your business generates over $1+M in revenue or over $250,000 in profit annually and you're looking to structure your business for the highest possible multiple you can achieve - whether to exit or maximize your profits - then this program is for you.

This is expert guidance for elite entrepreneurs looking to use the strategies of the truly wealthy to get further, faster.

A La Carte One-on-One Consultations

Need some business advice, STAT?! Whether you’ve got questions about long-term positioning, a potential sale/purchase, an urgent issue that requires guidance - anything relating to how to position and multiply your business - we can hop on a call to tackle it! 

Click the button to schedule a 1:1 consultation with me via the INTRO platform. You will be asked to enter your billing information, and sessions are charged hourly. 

Customized In-Depth Consultation Services

Whether you’re looking for an on-site audit, an in-depth review of your financials, or help analyzing the sale or purchase of a business… the list goes on… I can help! 

Click the button and we will put together a fully personalized, customized package to ensure you’re making all the right moves!


Join Julie and her BFF Rachel, both self-made millionaire's and super moms, each a mother of four, as they share their adventures of building lasting wealth for their families and indulge in their love of travel and top-shelf life experiences.


Join Julie and her BFF Rachel, both self-made millionaire's and super moms, each a mother of four, as they share their adventures of building lasting wealth for their families and indulge in their love of travel and top-shelf life experiences.

Hi, I'm Julie Roy...

I’m a self-made entrepreneur with 20+ years building, scaling, and exiting my businesses for maximum profit and payout.

Today, I’m living my dream lifestyle on 100% passive income while expanding my empire and creating legacy wealth.

But I didn’t start out that way!

When I started my first Montessori preschool in my early 20’s, I made a ton of costly mistakes. It took me over 10 years to position my first business for a profitable exit - and who has that kind of time to waste?

With my next business, I was able to reduce that timeline to 3 years and exit at 12X the multiple.

The next go-around was even faster!  

In addition to structuring businesses for the highest possible multiple, I’ve utilized savvy investment strategies of the truly wealthy to preserve capital and eradicate taxes.  

Now, my family enjoys a richer life than I could’ve imagined, while building legacy wealth for generations to come. In fact, in 2023 we'll complete one of our family legacy goals - traveling to all 7 continents together. Now that’s what I call freedom!  

I’m passionate about helping other elite entrepreneurs make the moves that move the dial. You can work with me in a variety of ways - from ala carte consulting, to in-depth on-site audits, to my exclusive Wealth Masters mentoring program.  

Don’t waste time on costly, time-consuming mistakes.

Work with me to get expert guidance and level up your business!

A La Cart Sessions

Custom Consultation

Wealth Masters


From fearless entrepreneurs like you

"She possesses a deep understanding of the intricate details involved in these processes, and her ability to communicate and guide us through every step has been truly remarkable. With her by our side, we felt confident and empowered to take on new ventures."

"One of her standout qualities has been her vision of the big picture without losing sight of the finer details and the tactical steps of how to get there. The blend of strategic thinking and real-world experience has been invaluable."

"Julie has continued to be a guiding light in my life, not only assisting me with real estate dealings but also serving as my go-to mentor for countless acquisition strategies and wealth-building insights. When it comes to brilliance, Julie takes the crown – she’s a genius with a heart of gold who never throws in the towel!"

Podcast Appearances